Imagine driving an electric vehicle across Canada from coast to coast.
We imagined driving our new Chevy Bolt across Canada, and then we decided to do it.
This summer we took a road trip across Canada.Travelling across Canada by car is a great way to get to know our beautiful country. We wanted to show that it is possible to have a fun road trip adventure with a lower impact.
Yes it is possible!
Bolt Across Canada by the Numbers
• Buddy Boyd and Barb Hetherington’s Chevy Bolt EV hauled 476 kilograms of people, dog, luggage and supplies a distance of 17,690 kilometres in 57 days.
• They stopped at 80 different charging points, and paid $160.15 in charging fees.
• They left zero kilograms of food scraps behind, and instead used a small counter-top composter to create 10 litres of finished compost.
• They left zero kilograms of garbage in the communities they visited and returned home with just one small bag to dispose of.
Bolt Across Canada is a Canada150 project to promote Zero Waste and zero emissions.Zero Waste Canada is taking to the road to meet ordinary Canadians to promote Zero Waste and to tell the stories of average Canadians making a difference.Along the way we will be having a low impact roadtrip creating little waste as we drive an all electric Chevy Bolt across Canada.
Zero Waste Canada is a non-profit grassroots organization promoting Zero Waste in Canada.
Blog Archive

We drove the green highway across Canada from Victoria to Quidi Vidi and then back to Gibsons in our Chevy Bolt but the adventure is just beginning. Now let's continue with our adventures with Bolt and Beyond.